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Best Hygiene Practices for Banks and Corporate Offices

13 July 2022

Every day, bank and credit union customers come from all walks of life. There is always the risk of someone becoming sick because of the shared objects and surfaces between employees and clients in these places. Tellers can catch up on viruses in a variety of ways other than face-to-face encounters. After other clients and workers have handled the cash, bank employees must count and organise it all. By the time the cash reaches the tellers, it has been through a slew of hands. The average number of germs found on a paper bill after it has been in circulation is about 3,000.

The risks of a customer or employee getting sick can be minimised by making a few easy changes.

Cleaning, Disinfection, and Proper Sanitation

When removing dirt and other impurities from surfaces or products, a detergent (like soap) and water are typically used together. It is not enough to just clean surfaces to stop the spread of an illness. Also, the process of killing bacteria and viruses on surfaces or in goods by the use of chemicals is known as disinfecting. It’s possible that cleaning won’t always remove all of the bacteria from a surface, but it will cut down on the risk of getting sick. Sanitizing can also bring the number of germs that are living on surfaces or in things down to an acceptable level.

Social Distancing

Health experts have advised separating oneself from one’s friends and family to avoid the spread of germs. There is nothing new about the concept of separating people to avoid the transmission of illness. Distancing oneself from others becomes more difficult in densely populated areas. Cleaning and disinfection procedures have shown to be beneficial, though.

Inside a bank, you’re continuously exhaling, exchanging money with different hands, and maybe releasing body sweat, all of which can speed up the transmission of disease. People who keep their distance from one another are less likely to spread or be exposed to contagious body fluids.

Gloves and Face Coverings

Facial coverings have been introduced as a kind of social distance. To avoid spreading aerosol particles, the mask user cannot cough, sneeze and breathe heavily. It is now the norm for bank tellers and staff to wear masks and wipe off their spaces and equipment before each shift or before they leave for the day. Many companies now provide gloves to all workers so that they may stay safe while doing their jobs, whether it’s scanning members in, receiving money, cleaning, or any other activity that could result in physical contact.

In-House Cleanup

In the past, banks and corporate offices were frequently cleaned by employees who arrived and worked late at night. As a result, more and more employees are being employed to clean and sanitise buildings around the clock. Guests and bank-goers will never clean as thoroughly as is necessary to achieve maximum effectiveness. They are compensated for it. It all begins in the area designated for storing cleaning products. Many institutions have cleaned and tidied up their maintenance closets to eradicate and prevent the growth of germs and viruses.

Banking institutions are a breeding ground for bacteria, and while this may come as a shock, the sheer volume of shared utensils and surfaces at these establishments should prompt you to wash your hands after each visit. It is possible that products that aid in the maintenance of good hand hygiene and the cleanliness of common work areas might have a significant positive influence. Investing in good hygiene may save time and money in the long run by reducing sick days and increasing customer satisfaction.

For regular cleaning and sanitation of offices and financial institutions, you can rely on Ausbright Facilities Management. Call us today!

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